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Robinsbite: June 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You Don't Ask, You Don't Get

I firmly believe in this motto.

So does my sister-Amy-who lives in a Detroit suburb. And that is why Amy and 100 of her closest friends and neighbors will be celebrating Labor Day compliments of Edy's Ice Cream.

For the 4th year in a row, Edy's Slow Churned Neighborhood Salute is offering 1500 ice cream block parties as a chance to "share laughs, memories or just an excuse to say hello".

Amy entered Edy's Neighborhood Salute and Amy won enough ice cream, spoons, cups and the like for 100 of her neighbors. Her essay was selected as one of 1500 across the country. Her neighborhood in suburban Detroit will now be added to the already 4500 neighborhoods who have feasted on Edy's ice cream through this opportunity.

She just got the letter saying that she won the other day, so it must be too late to enter this year. Check below for the deadlines for next year if you want ice cream for you and a few of your sure to write a compelling essay....some of the ones on the website are real tear jerkers!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Subs for Salmonella Tainted Tomatoes

Staying away from tomatoes for now? I don't blame you. If you are like me, you are missing the juicy, sweet treat that I eat by the pound during the summer. If you can't get locally grown tomatoes, here are a few alternatives to consider until the ban is lifted:

  • Tomatillos
  • Roasted Red Peppers (fresh or jarred)
  • Canned tomato products
  • Sun dried tomatoes
  • Thinly sliced beets/canned beets

Be sure to check the FDA Website regularly to check in on the status of your tomatoes:

Friday, June 6, 2008

10 Things I Learned from Shelley Case, BSc, RD, Author of the Gluten Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide

I spent the evening with one of the foremost authorities on Celiac Disease and the Gluten Free Diet last night. In town for the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America's Annual Education Conference, Shelley dined (gluten-free) at Via Real in Irving with a group of local dietitians.

Here are 10 Things I Learned from Shelley Case

1. Celiac disease is one of the most common inherited disorders. 1 in 100 people have celiac disease and 95% of them are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

2. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the villi of the small intestine are damaged by specific properties from wheat, barley and rye products.

3. Celiac disease not only affects the gastrointestinal system but other organ systems as well. Celiac also presents itself as a skin disorder called dermatitis herpetiformis.

4. Blood tests and biopsy of the small intestine must be completed before a diagnosis of celiac disease is given.

5. Oats in the gluten free diet have long been debated as to weather or not it is safe to consume. Clinical studies have shown that small amounts of PURE, UNCONTAMINATED oats are safe for most adults and children.

6. Shelley's website,, has hundreds of free resources for professionals and the general public.

7. Shelley has celiac disease and must eat a 100% gluten free diet. I sat next to her at dinner and marveled at how she spoke to the chef and the server about her needs with regard to her food. Of question were: the "breading" on her scallops-turned out to be macadamia nuts which are OK to consume; onion rings-which were fried in a flour based batter. The plate was removed as the onion rings had touched the potatoes, asparagus and the meat, thereby rendering it unable to consume as the contamination factor is enough to spark her symptoms.

8. Going "gluten free" has become trendy's actually watering down the case for those with the true intolerance and/or disease. Even Oprah is going gluten free right now for her cleanse diet.

9. Many focus on what can't be consumed while on a gluten free diet....but take a look at what can be consumed! amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat, corn, flax, legume flours, milet, nut flour, potato flour, potato starch, quinoa, rice, rice bran, soy, sweet potato flour, tapioca and many more. Check out Shelley's book Gluten Free-Diet: A Comprehensice Resource Guide for more information.

10. If you feel that you may have celiac disease, do not go gluten free until you've been properly tested. This could create a misdiagnosis.